“Snakes, archangels, gods, and the Walking Dead.” What is their connection?

I have been putting this off for 50 or so years. But here goes. I have met and talked with Mother Mary of the Jesus story. She granted me three wishes. Two I used that very day, and the third was finally used last month. I wished to become all that “I” am. The first two had to do with Superman. I was twelve years old and in a severe emotional state. I wanted to fly in my body and run like the wind, like Superman. It took two to make me know they worked. I did not want to waste the third one on me only. Within a week, I would have my third snake encounter. When I was a baby, I stepped on a pill of snakes in a cool having sex, I was told. I was walking on the railroad tracks with my dad behind our house in Indianapolis. Then, I was chased by a black racer snake. I quickly knew he would not stop, so I did. He dropped into the weeds and disappeared.While in the children’s home, we were taken to a private showing of a show about a mogully boy in India who was raised by a black tiger of some kind. The little boy was at the theater. I meet my first movie star. Ms. Heart, my social worker, lied and talked me and my twin into going to a farm with a horse. It was a shame, except they did have one old hag. There were only boys at this home. But the lady’s son had a house with all the little girls in the following store. I would have sex with several of them. We would lick and suck and dry hump each other. Their pee holes tasted like pee. It was my second time smelling and doing this to a preteen girl. We decided to run away and return to, of all choices, the Gardens home on University Drive in Indy.The campus of the first Butler University location. We walked into an area of high weeds behind the barn when a Cobra Snake lifted up and spread its neck, just like in Mogle’s movie. I froze in fright. It was later told that it was a spreading viper common in Indiana but harmless. I forgot about the Snake in Happy Holly Camp, where my life was saved two times, once by a lone fisherman and once by me. I was asked to go to the lake early and help make it ready for the younger children. I did not like making those stupid bracelets in an earlier group class, off to the lake.I was attacked while in water ten feet deep by a camp counselor who jumped on my head, put his feet on my shoulders, and held me under. I grabbed him by the balls and stressed with everything I had. he let go. I got away from him. Side note I called the prosicuter in Brown county Indiana after I was fifty or so. When Dick Lugar, a U.S. Senator from Indiana, was running for the presidency. He had molested me through voyeuristic ways when I was 13. I thought the police might like to know about it. I was abused verbally by the prosecutor. But I still went to his office in Brown Country. He had cold feet and did not go in. I went to the end of the lake after he left the area to the boat ramp, where I spotted a giant frog. At least, I thought it was a frog. I could only recall seeing its eyes. As I dropped my feet into the water, a fisherman asked me what I was doing. I said I was going to catch a big frog. Back at the barracks for ten and eleven-year-olds, we would put them into a light socket, turn on the power, and electrocute them. Then we would put them in water, and they came back to life. I wanted my own frog. The intelligent fisherman asked where the frog was. I pointed him out beside a boat. He said Son, That is a copper head snake. It will kill you. Twice in one day, I almost died at that camp. Yet, I told the camp nurse that I was being molested there then by two black men who were brothers. Rocky and Stony I think was there names. It was a perverted camp. If the parents only knew. Later in life, I nearly walked into the path of two mountain lions. That is another tail. The last Snake was deadly. I was a radio operator for my company commander in South Korea for a while until our balliton commander got me on the radio one day while we were on a mission. The guy talked too fast. Our radio was still wired at that time. luetinant. cornnal fired me, personally. He was called back to headquarters, and all radio operators were left atop a mountain. I had aid back on my radio when a mammy snake crawled over my radio inches from my face. It turned and looked me in the face. I did not move. As soon as it moved on, a Brother and a fellow radio operator used his rifle butt and smashed its head in. At the exact moment, the captain company commander’s jeep pulled up and down the mountain’s bottom. I suddenly had an Idea. I would take the Snake down, put it in the trail, and save the captain. I did this for fun. I carried a 45 colt, so I pulled it out and shot off its head. After the mission, I was cornered By The XO… and told I was being sent to West Point for work. I started to cry and told him I had a confession. I did not go to West Point. My c was a West Point grad and could select some to go there. Fun act: My oldest kin from Scottland owns the farmland next to where West Point was later located. Archangels Gods and the Walking Dead happen later in life. Did you know Mother Mary worked at Eli Lillies in the sixties? She could drive a car and had a physical Universe for a ceiling in her car. Jesus likes to walk fast and does not stop at a red light late at night. He filled me in on a subject called ethics. God Knew what you were going to say before you said it. The Walking Dead They visit me in my bedroom most nights. Their connection is me. It Is “I.”