Five years old-1958

Education is the sunlight of tomorrow’s future growth.

Education is the sunlight of tomorrow’s future growth.

  Nothing we have been told is true about the past.  Yet, we need education. What can be done to consolidate the future for our own to evolve into? Justice is out. Religion is lost, and families are becoming old hats. Shall we all become Individuals again? Trust will become unknown. Hope shall be a mystery. And love, for the tricksters alone? To ensure a future of group purpose, we need a planet-wide general-purpose larger than all the other factors combined. Going to Mars is for the wealthy and miss informed. Securing our home planet is what is needed. If a rock large and cruel headed our way, would a rocket be used for the wealthy of us to escape to mars or to blow up the rock? Are we allowing the 1% now to take away our own future? Our family’s future? Shall we forget about Dr. No, and others that James Bond fought against? Was that any more fantasy than the Techknowledge of the sci-fi writers of yesteryear that created the idea of planet escapism? It is all of our business planet-wide, each woman, child, man, and animal. donnie harold harris Candidate US Senate 2022 Indiana

Buffalo that roam.

Buffalo that roam.

I had another vision today. I call this one “Buffalo that roam”. I watched from a distance, a small Indian boy playing in the fresh, clean lands of the Indian. He was in a valley where one could see for 40 miles. Or just down there where there played a single boy of 10. Suddenly he was eye to eye with a full-grown male Buffalo. After a moment or so without losing gaze he moved off to the left. I noticed that his father stood nearby on the top of a small hill… Hidden from his veiw. All was well when out of the hot spring day, a small herd of Buffalo that roam. appeared all around the boy. The dad moved down to his son. Only to see the Buffalo roam right by. The dad cheif puffed up and wonder what talk he shall hear from his son when he come home. Suddenly awakened, the dad chief looked to see 40 miles away a herd of Buffalo that roam or not roaming were on there way. Leaping in 12 foot jumps, the Father watched in horror as his son, now in reach was trampled on the soil so perfect for an apple tree to grow, he laid. The father had but a moment to live before the Thousands of Roaming Buffalo did him as well as they do. I watch in disbelief in what had happened on this beautiful day. In about 20 minutes. What could it mean. What is natural is God’s way. What is an unkind kill is the opposite of that. Big DHH

Public Party  The Childrens Party

Public Party The Childrens Party

Public party of Indiana is a Political Party; “I”, Donnie Harold Harris Started to cause change. Thank you for allowing me to tell you who I am. My story starts out a little unusual. I have perfect recall. Which is kinda like the perfect pitch is in music. I remember everything. Allowing me to never have to remember anything as it happens. Here goes You are the first to hear my story. I was born 8/1/53 @ 6:33 AM. My mother was a 19-year-old named Mary. I was her 7th child. She turned 20 the next day. I am an Identical twin. 3 minutes after My brother Who disappeared be for I was born 3 minutes later @ 6:33 AM August the 1st 1953. I was very healthy; he was a very sick baby (TTTS) needing a blood transfusion and incubator for 3 months. So we meet down the road a piece. What happened to me was also sad. I was circumcised against my knowing approval. Fast forward By the time I would finish 8th grade at 15 years old-10 years of schooling/2nd grade done 2 times, I would go to 21-grade schools some more than once. Live in the guardians’ home 5 /6 times; adding up to over 2 years. Donnie Harold harris would live in over 100 houses. Meeting 10,000 other kids. My friend, I am not a Republican. But an Ex-Democrat. One that is for the most in number. I believe our rights start at birth -completely. Government is a privilege and not a right. We are the citizenry, and permanent. The government is temporary. Not our rights of citizenship and our greater freedom as a human. Can you help us all? IT IS “I” Donnie Harold Harris

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Elect a Public Party Candidate for Mayor 2011

Elect a “Public Party” Candidate for Mayor 2011 IN INDIANAPOLIS, IN. This is my, DONNIE HAROLD HARRIS, FIRST meeting with this group, The Libertarians. THINKING THEY WERE SOMEONE ELSE. I was not sure what to expect. I became a libertarian during Reagan’s, 1st presidential race. I was living in Hollywood Ca, at the time, working on my movie star/musicological career /Scientology/Krishna training, while going to l.a.c.c.(Los Angles City College) ,as a disabled Veit Nam *era army veteran, studying theater /law. Oh yes, The meeting was better than great. Everyone was very respectful of each other, showing the interesting overall, higher reality of belief, in the overwhelming, group think, that visible dramatize chance is needed in our day to day affairs, in our city and country. For a more dutiful ex-stinted family, “luminescence of being” in need. These people need the help of all that, regardless of races, religions, or wherewithal or current Political beliefs can help. Our city is past the beginnings of a savage downward stage, of the inner self, Known, as the group of people. A Known, as The friendly people of the crossroads of america/the crossroads of the World” INDIANAPOLIS, In. of America. I ask that if the ship goes down o one would hope the captain would order “all hands on deck”, all will lose.Even those on the upper decks, w ill TOO need to rely on, those that they (rich, thief), have been made LESS, as citizenry, through   suffering of the local hope, by the draining of the local relief,  13.5 Million, at the worst of possible times for our commonality disadvantaged local citizenry. You yes you, right now your more powerful than ever,as a value to, The rest of us Public People.This group needs your help, regardless of your personal duty to a better future,help on a larger group is needed . Now is The time This Is the place, cause you are here now, You are the one the rest of us are waiting for. One small piece of foam ,may take down a space ship in fight. One piece of foam, overall working in alignment with the rest, makes a fight, only then possible, and successful world cause, as well. Do not think you have no account, in this larger group, of all mankind. Those very people holding them self back, are the very people needed to help. Each and every person counts. Change starts with you.Help the larger cause, of Individual Personal Freedom. Start the change! Join a local group. Run for an office. I make this prime postulate, Give me 29 IUPUI students, that qualify to run for city-county council, and i will show you a new city for all the world to see, an emulate. 29 young people changes the whole world. That it the 2012 change the Mayans predicted in there end of times stuff. A new place a new beginning, a new age of man. Homo Novus man. The age of youth. over mankind, and the quick dismantlement of old rich man rule. Never in the history of man has the individualized chance of controlling power, with out the requirement of family, money or who you know, to do it from. Only a single man ever makes the difference in the advancement of ourselves. Please run for city county council, contact Chris. Become a member of the libertarian party. The party of non-religious, educational or prior political views. The party of individuals, untied as a power of future hope threw duty to us all…each and everyone of us! DONNIE HAROLD HARRIS NOW THE PUBLIC PARTY IS WITH NPA.