God, George Carlin And I had a lovely time last night.

God, George Carlin And I had a lovely time last night.

God, George Carlin And I had a lovely time last night. I met George Carlin in a bar where he was having a drink. I sat on the stool next to him. I want to ask him if he remembered a Time We met with my Mirror Twin as he pumped gas on Sunset or Wilshire and the 405 freeway during the gas shortages and the odd days and lines. Lonnie was pumping gas there. It was during the gas shortage of the Carter administration in 70 s. Before I could get the conversation started, he said. I am meeting God. We’re going to the Movies. Do you want to come?….. I thought quickly and decided to bite. Off we went to Wilshire Boulevard. I keep a sharp eye out for God. I was still waiting for him to a show. We were watching the movie when I suddenly realized that Jesus had come. I was mumbling about Dad’s This and Dad’s That complaint. I thought, DID GEORGE MEAN God>>DAD? A triangle? Without warning, The movie became everything. Somehow, The 4 of us became part of the film. I was walking through it as fourth, a viewpoint that cannot be viewed. We were as God; He as us. I was With George. We walked toe-toe. Both noticed That everything was the same, except everything kept repeating itself. Like Groundhog Day, the movie, except Faster. The same people keep watching the same film, and the restaurant would let people out the side door only to have them walk to the front once again. Now that you think about it, George did get the Popcorn. Did he LSD25 God? I had heard about Baba Ram Dass LSDing, his guru. Maybe me, too? Maybe the salt. So, I keep up my obnosis with him. It was as if everyone and everything were in a recurring cycle forever. Yet we walked through, talked, and visited with hundreds. Non-realized their condition. How could this be? Who invented that dress? Those slippers that Towel? And why could I not pinpoint this Ever-present God? We never did say a word to each other during the event. I never saw Jesus again. I wanted to ask him if he remembered me From My Sunset Boulevard Encounter with him in 1979. A reality check, if you will. Is humanity frozen into a solid or sluggish soup? When the 2 of us walked into the night air and glow of the street light. George said to me as he turned and walked away. Thanks For the memories. Lonnie Darrel Harris. I said But wait a second, I am Donnie Harold Harris. His Identical Twin, Mirror Twin, Was this whole thing for him? When Lon Called out and Said to me Am I too Late. I said I don’t know what they put in their Popcorn, But it is A Most Enjoyable Show. Let’s Go. My pattern In hand. God, well, He is everything. He has been all along like the wind. He moves in Broad strokes. Individually. 2014: The year of us all. Did George Carlin LSD God? Was Lonnie Darrel Harris meant to be a part of the experience, or was it meant for his identical twin, Donnie Harold Harris? The movie was The King Of Hearts On Santa Monica blvd, Just off the 405 in Westwood. As per the text, it is not clear whether George Carlin is an LSD God or not. I never knew for sure.

It is also still being determined whether the whole experience was meant for Lonnie Darrel Harris or his identical twin, Donnie Harold Harris. What did George Carlin mean when he said he was meeting God and they were going to the movies? Was the experience meant for Lonnie Darrel Harris or his identical twin, Donnie Harold Harris?

Are you being serious? Are you being serious? Ask God when you meet with him.

The Insane Complexities of The World Going Mad; Has the World Gone Mad?

 Has the World gone mad? What is madness on a world scale? Is War the fever of our despair? Are bombs the waves of this impulse to rid ourselves of this disease of imagined or natural demise? Can the World survive itself and the festering hate inside, unknown and unconscious? Yet, alive living in its beliefs of the destruction of everything else? Are nuclear weapons our way of the devastation of our total self and everything else’s, like the nazi and his pill in a tooth as a Cyanide Poison Capsule? The UFos of our earlier self had to save us from this weapon. They interveined or were present from every test and blast after we used it twice. They show an older world that we are wild and unaccountable for everything else’s future at our leisure. Now threatened By Nutten-who of Is-Isreal-real honest group. Cyanide: Exposure, Decontamination, Treatment.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)

Cyanide is a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that interferes with the body’s ability to use oxygen. Cyanide can be a colorless gas or liquid, such as Radiation for nukes. Radiation sickness is damage to your body caused by a hefty dose of Radiation, often received over a short period (acute). The amount of Radiation absorbed by the body — the absorbed dose — determines how sick you’ll be. Radiation sickness is also called acute radiation syndrome or radiation poisoning. Radiation sickness is damage to your body caused by a hefty dose of Radiation, often received over a short period (critical). The amount of Radiation absorbed by the body — the absorbed dose — determines how sick you’ll be.

Radiation sickness is also called acute radiation syndrome or radiation poisoning. Radiation sickness is not caused by standard imaging tests that use low-dose Radiation, such as X-rays or C.T. scans.