Education is the sunlight of tomorrow’s future growth.

  Nothing we have been told is true about the past.  Yet, we need education. What can be done to consolidate the future for our own to evolve into? Justice is out. Religion is lost, and families are becoming old hats. Shall we all become Individuals again? Trust will become unknown. Hope shall be a mystery. And love, for the tricksters alone? To ensure a future of group purpose, we need a planet-wide general-purpose larger than all the other factors combined. Going to Mars is for the wealthy and miss informed. Securing our home planet is what is needed. If a rock large and cruel headed our way, would a rocket be used for the wealthy of us to escape to mars or to blow up the rock? Are we allowing the 1% now to take away our own future? Our family’s future? Shall we forget about Dr. No, and others that James Bond fought against? Was that any more fantasy than the Techknowledge of the sci-fi writers of yesteryear that created the idea of planet escapism? It is all of our business planet-wide, each woman, child, man, and animal. donnie harold harris Candidate US Senate 2022 Indiana

One thought on “Education is the sunlight of tomorrow’s future growth.

  1. Pingback: Dead but not Gone. – Donnie Harold Harris

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